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Removing an UTF BOM header

    Some UTF file encodings have a special "BOM" sequence of characters (Byte Order Mark).

    Example when viewing an UTF-8 with BOM file within an ISO-8859-1 editor:



    When reading such files, these first characters may be considered as part of the data.

    In order to ignore them, a simple trick in Stambia is to add a transformation script to the File metadata, such as:

        /* return data only after third character */
             if (i>-1)



    Getting Started With Transformation Scripting

      It is possible, when using a File metadata, to transform the content of the file "on the fly" using javascript. The file will then be read differently by the mappings, processes, or when using a "consult data". 

      There are different ways to transform the file, either by using FILE scripting,  LINE scripting, or both. When using both, the FILE scripting is applied before the LINE scripting.


      Transformation File


      This script will be applied to the whole file, and the file is read character by character.

      The two objects we are going to use are input/output streams :

      • __in__

      This object contains the whole file content.

      The method we are going to use is : read()

      This method uses the file cursor and returns a char at the current position. If no char is found, returns -1. 

      • __out__

      This object will contain the output for the transformed file.

      The method we are going to use is : write(char)

      It will append the char to the output.


      Example of a simple file script that replaces every whitespace with an underscore :


      if (i>-1){
      if (ch==' ')



      Transformation Line


      The script will be run for each line of the file.

      The available objects are:

      • __string__
        It is used as a string in the script, we can use functions on it like on any other string.
        In order to write the transformed output, just call the variable by its name.
      • __position__
        This is the number of the current original line.

      Transformation Line Example #1: transforms everything in uppercase



      Transformation Line Example #2: split a single line into several lines on the fly

      Original file:

      1;"Yes";"Not sure";"Probably"


      1;2;"Not sure"

      Script (applied for each original line):

      /* this array will hold the lines to be returned */
      ret=new Array(); if (__position__==0){
          /* header line is changed */
          ret[0] = "CUS_ID;QUESTION_NO;ANSWER";
          /* split data lines */
          line = __string__.split(";");
          lno = 0;
          for (qno=1 ; qno<=3 ; qno++) {
              if (line[qno]!="") {
                  ret[lno++] = line[0] + ";" + qno + ";" + line[qno];
      /* return array */

      File wizard for testing  


       In the metadata window, right click on the file -> actions -> Properties.




      Language specified in the metadata


      The scripting language (rhino/javascript) specified in the metadata has to be accepted by the java version of the production Runtime.

      On the other hand, the wizard will work only if the java version of your designer accepts the specified language.



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