This article describes the principal changes of Amazon Templates.

The Template download section can be found at this page


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REJECT Redshift

Rejects rules with warning severity level fixed

Reject rules which are defined with "warning" severity level in Metadata should not be removed from the flow and should be loaded in target table.

Previous version of the Template was unexpectedly removing rejected rows with "warning" severity level from the flow, which was wrong, and which has been fixed from this version.

Rows which does not fulfill a rule which has been specified with "warning" severity level will not be kept in the flow and loaded into target table.


Alternate Key check was not performed on correct columns

Alternate Keys checks were performed on all unique keys instead of Alternate Keys defined in Metadata.


Recycling of previous rejects fixed

When using the option to recycle the rejects of previous execution an extra step is executed to add those previous rejects in the integration flow.

This step had several issues which avoided it to work properly and which have been fixed in this version.

Moreover, possible duplicates while retrieving those rejects are now filtered using DISTINCT keyword.