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Giving a Name to a workspace

    Users who work with several workspaces may appreciate to give a Name to each workspace.

    This Name will be displayed in the Designer's window title.

    Here is how to set this Name :

    • Open the preferences (Window/Preferences).
    • Select the General/Workspace category.
    • Set the "Workspace name (shown in window title)" as desired. For example "Invoice Projects".

    This property is saved into the workspace.

    Reverting the Internal Resources (Technologies) to their defaults

      Stambia Designer stores Technology definitions in order to know how to manipulate all the different technologies (Ftp, Xml, Wsdl, Mysql, Oracle, Json, Mail, SSH, MQ, etc etc etc...).

      In rare occasions, these Technology definitions may need to be reverted to their default configuration,

      • either because you altered them and you want to reset them
      • or because your workspace was created in a previous version of Stambia Designer and you want to benefit from the latest Technology enhancements

      Here is how to do, depending on your version of Stambia Designer.

      Read more: Reverting the Internal Resources (Technologies) to their defaults


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