- added
New look and feel
- added
New Delivery Project feature to manage projects life cycle
- added
New REST APIs are now available to manage the application
- added
New Environment feature to define environments globally
- added
Metadata Configurations are now defined globally
- added
Analytics is now storing all its data in an external database instead of files
- added
Deployment Managers feature has been removed, replaced by Delivery Projects
- fixed
Session Reports: Variable View might not be refreshed when clicking on a session, forcing user to click another time for it to be populated with values
- fixed
Session Reports: child sessions which are dead still appear as running
- fixed
Session Reports: Elapsed Time should not be displayed in "Information" View for dead sessions
- fixed
Numbers in Session Reports columns are not formatted using regional settings
- fixed
Schedules: available configurations should be sorted alphabetically in schedule editor
- fixed
When multiple editors are opened closing one of them makes the Statistics View not refreshed correctly on other editors (Session Reports / Delivery Session list)
- fixed
Session Reports: auto refresh has unexpectedly no effect if refresh frequency has never been saved in Parameters (default value should be used)
- fixed
When opening Parameters for the first time values of Preferences are incorrect
- fixed
Unexpected errors such as NullPointerException are thrown at various places when there are items without name configured in Parameters
- fixed
Session Reports: some variables such as variables published dynamically through scripting context might not appear correctly or only appear when the session is finished
- added
Ability to communicate with Runtime through HTTP
- fixed
Session reports: performances issues when working with large log databases
- fixed
Session actions not displayed with sybase
- fixed
Analytics might freeze and become locked when refreshing browser page in some cases
- added
Ability to connect to Runtimes on which RMI is secured through TLS
- added
Numbers in Statistics View are now formatted using regional settings
- fixed
Schedule Editor: delivery input parameters do not appear on editor when opening an existing schedule
- fixed
Action view and Variable view are empty when viewing an action from the Delivery Editor
- fixed
Navigator: when creating a new schedule the execution mode of the schedule is greyed out and cannot be changed when another
schedule already exist in the Runtime for any other delivery
- fixed
Session Reports: Elapsed Time continues to progress on actions even if the session becomes "Dead"
- fixed
Delivery Editor: auto-refresh does not work in delivery sessions list
- fixed
Session Reports: actions of a dead session should not be in running status
- fixed
Session details are unexpectedly not displayed when log database does not support implicit conversions
- fixed
Upgrade Eclipse plateform version from which Analytics is based to address issues with browser recent version
- fixed
A file not found exception may be thrown when importing multiple packages in a Deployment Manager
- fixed
Sessions Reports: "Finishes at" date in action details does not contain a correct finish date and time
- added
New parameter to enable / disable the research of delivery information in Deployments when clicking on a Session in Session
- fixed
Expose as Web Service option is not working when inherited from a Deployment Scheme
- fixed
Navigator: repositories configured in Runtimes S17.4.10 are not displayed
- fixed
Schedules are not listed under deliveries when connecting to a Runtime version prior to 17.3
- fixed
NullPointerException when adding a Purge schedule
- added
Navigator: new context menu to open the selected item in the navigator
- added
Enhance the logging system of Analytics to produce more logs, clearer and more comprehensive
- added
Navigator: ability to specify a Job Name and Remote Runtime in the Schedule Window
- fixed
Navigator: double clicking on a Schedule or Delivery should not perform a refresh on the Runtime
- fixed
A deadlock might appear when refreshing sessions
- fixed
Navigator: the Runtime list appearing in the Navigator might be wrong when using Profiles
- added
Package and Delivery information in Session Information View
- added
Deployment Specifications: The Deployment Scheme selection box should be sorted alphabetically
- added
The connections listed in Test Connection window should be sorted alphabetically
- added
Session Reports: results filtered with a group by should be sorted alphabetically
- added
Deployment managers: Configurations should be sorted alphabetically in Configuration selection window
- added
Ability to open automatically the Package related to a Session
- fixed
Navigator: The Refresh menu on 'My Session Reports', 'Public Session Reports' and 'Deployments' nodes unexpectedly closes
all opened editors
- added
Add the ability to unset a Configuration value
- added
A Runtime selection popup is shown when operating on a session with a Profile containing multiple Runtimes with the same host
/ port
- added
Add access to Runtime deliveries repositories on the Navigator
- added
Ability to delete a delivery via a context menu on the Navigator
- added
Improve tooltip label for items with warnings
- added
Improve Runtime security exceptions messages and popup
- fixed
Session reports: perfomance issues with many session child and actions
- fixed
New preference to disable the display of sessions actions
- fixed
Session report: refresh does not fetch new actions for running sessions
- fixed
Restart session does not refresh the session status
- fixed
Unable to connect to a Runtime configured with userLogRdbmsEncryptedPassword
- fixed
IllegalValueException when opening a Session Report from 2.0.x / 2.1.x versions
- fixed
The "Name" Criteria value set in 2.0.x / 2.1.x versions is not preserved
- added
Auto-refresh mode: popup displayed in background
- added
Refresh popup: improve popup text content
- added
New parameters on Runtime definition to connect to secured Runtime: User and Password
- fixed
Session report performance issue when changing filter criteria after expanding a process node
- fixed
Status bar shows technical string when selecting "All Child sessions"
- fixed
Session report: sometimes the process node has no children (no actions)
- fixed
Session report: child sessions under 'All child sessions' are not the ones indicated in Execute Delivery actions
- added
The "Logs" field of Profiles is renamed to "Log providers"
- added
Two new virtual entries that allows to dynamically use all Runtimes or all Log Databases have been added in the Log Providers
of Profiles: "All Runtimes", "All Log Databases"
- added
A confirmation dialog box is displayed when closing a Session Report in save state
- added
Packages can be drag and dropped between virtual folders
- added
Add possibility to Undo/Redo modifications with Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y and new top menu buttons
- added
New context menu on the "Runtimes" node in the Navigator to add Runtimes: "New Runtime"
- added
New button in Deployment Managers to initialize all the values of a Configuration
- added
New session filter: Configuration
- added
New session filter: Runtime
- added
New session filter: Guest Host
- added
New session filter: Session Id
- added
New session filter: Duration
- added
New session filter: Execution Mode
- added
New session filter: Launch Mode
- added
New session filter: Package Id
- added
New buttons in Deployment Managers to navigate through items with missing settings
- added
New "Default Profile" checkbox to define which Profile should be used for users that haven't selected any Profiles
- added
When opening a session in errors, the nodes are automatically expanded to the error that provoked the session's failure
- added
New button to create virtual folders in Deployment Managers
- added
New 'Preferences' page in the Parameters to configure Analytics behaviors
- added
Deployment Managers now support the import of zip archives containing multiple packages
- added
New tool in Deployment Managers: Deployment Schemes
- added
The delivery schedule name is now optionally modifiable
- added
New session filter: Child Sessions
- added
New status on build versions to identify that the Configuration of the build does not match the Specification’s one: "Configuration
- added
New preference to analyze automatically the Specification's Runtimes when building a delivery
- added
The Deployment Managers are sorted alphabetically
- added
The Session reports layout has been updated to be more responsive
- added
New expand all/collapse all buttons in Session details view
- added
The "Rdbms" tab is renamed to "Log Databases"
- added
Session Reports and Session Details views can be configured to be refreshed automatically
- added
A new container node is added under each Package to regroup all its Deployment Specifications
- added
New shortcut to cancel the current selection in Deployment Managers: "Escape (Esc)"
- added
A search box is added on the top of all Parameters tabs
- added
Deliveries are built only if differences are detected with the previous build
- fixed
Users with only consult roles should not be able to publish to Runtimes
- fixed
The Configuration's selection box is not ordered when executing multi-Configurations deliveries
- fixed
An error is raised when publishing a delivery as web service that does not exist in the "deliveries" folder of the Runtime
- fixed
Runtimes configured with userLogRdbmsEncryptedPassword are not handled
- fixed
Web Services deliveries that contain variables in Input/Output/Fault nodes are not built correctly, leading to errors on deliveries
- fixed
No statistics is displayed on a new installation
- added
Deletion of a Deployment Manager (Repository) asks for confirmation
- added
When refreshing the Session Reports a progress bar is displayed
- added
An error is displayed when no Profile is selected
- added
A new tab in the Session Reports displays Sessions in a Timeline
- added
New look and feel for Session Charts
- added
The color of the icon of the Executed status corresponds to the Executed color of an Action in a Process
- added
Tooltips are added on Session Pie Charts to provide information on the corresponding Statistics
- added
Metadata and Configuration edition is disabled when the selected node is a Delivery
- added
Checkbox "Selected" is renamed to "Current Package" or "Current Build"
- added
Advanced Properties are grouped in a category collapsed by default
- added
Configurations: The field "Code" is renamed to "Name"
- added
"Conf" is renamed to "Configuration"
- added
The default name of a Package is the Import date
- added
The column Date is hidden by default
- added
Metadata and Configurations are no longer displayed when a Process is selected
- added
The button "Import" is now displayed as an icon located on the top left corner
- added
The "Build" tab is renamed to "Deployments"
- added
The type of object is no longer displayed in the Object tree in a Deployment Manager (Repository)
- added
The checkbox "Todo" is replaced by a toggle button with an icon
- added
The checkbox "Last only" is replaced by a toggle button with an icon
- added
A toggle button allows to display only the Metadata which have not been configured yet
- added
New context menu "Build Deliveries" to build all the Deliveries of a selected node (Folder, Process, etc.)
- added
New button to build all the Deliveries of a Deployment Manager (Repository)
- added
New context menu "Analyze Runtimes" to analyze all the Runtimes associated to a selected node (Folder, Process, etc.)
- added
New button to analyze all the Runtimes associated to a Deployment Manager (Repository)
- added
New context menu "Publish Deliveries" to publish all the Deliveries of a selected node (Folder, Process, etc.)
- added
New button to publish all the Deliveries of a Deployment Manager (Repository)
- added
Repositories are renamed into Deployment Managers
- added
Deliverables are renamed into Deployment Specifications
- added
Remote name defaults to the name of the Deployment Specification (Deliverable)
- added
More session can be displayed in the Session Reports
- added
Refresh button: the label "Refresh" is replaced by an icon
- added
The "Download" hyperlink of a Delivery is replaced by a context menu "Download Delivery"
- added
The button "Publish" of a Delivery is replaced by a context menu "Publish Delivery"
- fixed
Analyzing a Runtime displays NOT_EXISTS instead of NOT_MATCH
- fixed
When creating a new Configuration, the focus is not set on the configuration code textbox
- fixed
When adding a Deliverable the focus is lost on the repository editor
- fixed
The DEL key has no effect on text fields
- fixed
Del key in the Name field deletes the Deliverable
- fixed
Performance issue when displaying a large number of Sessions
- fixed
Page content is lost after scrolling page on Chrome v33 or Safari for Mac
- fixed
Analytics does not load anymore after upgrade to Firefox 29
- added
Deliveries can be published "as web service"
- fixed
Some large packages can't be imported into repository
- fixed
Problems during analytics deployment on some jboss configurations
- added
When creating a new Schedule its name is initialized with the name of the Delivery
- added
Sessions can be deleted from the Sessions Reports editor
- added
Set the focus on the Folder name when creating a new folder
- added
Add tooltips on the buttons of the Session editor
- added
The Delete context menu is disabled in the Session editor
- added
Provide a comprehensible tooltip when a wrong Configuration code is provided
- added
Use an error message when deleting a configuration is impossible because it is cross-referenced by other objects
- added
Remove button is replaced by a Delete context menu in the Repository editor
- added
Hide the "Statistics" keyword in the statistic list
- fixed
When a Runtime is deleted from the Parameter editor, it remains in the Repositories which were using it
- fixed
The Publish menu entry on a Package should be disabled when no Runtime is declared
- fixed
Information tab is incorrectly refreshed when switching between two Actions
- fixed
When deleting a Repository, the corresponding Repository editor should be closed
- fixed
Manually modifying the start or end date of a schedule doesn't allow further modification
- fixed
Editing a paused Schedule doesn't reset the pause/resume icons
- fixed
Wrong Session name displayed in the Schedule editor
- fixed
NullPointerException when viewing the Threads tree in the Monitoring tab of a Runtime
- fixed
The Pause menu entry is enabled when multiple Schedules are selected in the Navigator
- fixed
When executing a Delivery with a parameter, the value passed for the parameter is {value=<ParameterValue>} instead of <ParameterValue>
- fixed
The profile itself is in the list of objects that can be included in a Profile
- fixed
When building a Deliverable the focus is lost on the repository editor
- fixed
Some labels are aligned to the right in the Repository editor
- fixed
Ghost folder created when a Session Report is created in a folder with a name containing a space
- fixed
Error 404 when opening the Documentation in a new Window
- fixed
Context menu "delete" should be "Delete" in the Repository editor