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The Designer cannot connect to a Runtime.

The Runtime is up and can execute deliveries.

The Runtime server can ping the Designer's machine, and vice versa.


Edit the file stambiaRuntime/properties/engines/commonParameters.xml on the Runtime server.

Change the following line:

<!--<parameter name="rmiHost" value="localhost"/>-->

to this:

<parameter name="rmiHost" value="<hostname of the Runtime server>"/>

And then restart the Runtime.


If it does not work, try with the IP address instead of the hostname :

<parameter name="rmiHost" value="<IP address>"/>



# NORAUTO_LESQUIN 2015-10-09 11:13
The file's path is "C:\Program Files\stambiaRuntime\properties\engines" on Stambia 17.2.5
# Thomas BLETON 2015-10-09 11:23
You are right, we fixed the article. Thank you for reporting :)

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